Pull-Up Accessory
3 days per week full body resistance program with building volume in the strict pull-up as the priority. Weeks 1-4 pull-up volume progression with grip variation. Weeks 5-8 pull-up volume progression with cluster sets. Variation in exercise selection of other patterns at week 5.
Monday: V Pull*, Squat, bend, v push
Wednesday: Bend, H Push, lunge, h pull*
Friday: v pull*, lunge, squat, v push, pull (elbow flexion)*, push (elbow extension)
*These patterns are priority for or accessory to the strict pull-up.
3 days per week full body resistance program with building volume in the strict pull-up as the priority. Weeks 1-4 pull-up volume progression with grip variation. Weeks 5-8 pull-up volume progression with cluster sets. Variation in exercise selection of other patterns at week 5.
Monday: V Pull*, Squat, bend, v push
Wednesday: Bend, H Push, lunge, h pull*
Friday: v pull*, lunge, squat, v push, pull (elbow flexion)*, push (elbow extension)
*These patterns are priority for or accessory to the strict pull-up.